Dev Log 9: Small Changes and Written Material Updates
Note a lot of changes this week. I updated some of the written materials surrounding Project Movement. There were a few small fixes and changes to the game itself, though mostly just bugfixes and small QOL changes.
Those aren't really anything of note, so let's turn our attention to the update materials. First, our presskit is no longer a blank page. It has some fact sheet information, a general summary, and a whole bunch of screenshots, images, and video media that we've generated throughout development of Project Movement.
Next, there were updates to our design document. It now more accurately reflects the state of the game as it has evolved. Of note is also the new Theoretical Marketing Strategy section, in which potential marketing approaches are discussed. We didn't get around to really marketing our game this quarter, which was probably detrimental to the amount of players we had interacting with our game. Also of note is that many sections and ideas that have been relegated to the Scrapped Ideas section. There is probably something to say about our intial plans and the reasonableness of the original design's scope, but it didn't affect the development of Project Movement that much because we reprioritized and cast off some of those ideas pretty early after starting development, just without updating the written design.
Upcoming Plans
Convention/Demo Day is upcoming. Each of the teams in CSE 481D will be at a physical location showcasing our games. This flyer has more information.
We'll likely put a bit more polish on the game before the convention happens, but to what extent is unknown. Hoping to release to Newgrounds before then as well. Maybe with a new level?
Development has definitely been winding down now that we are coming to the end of Winter quarter here at UW. There is definitely a lot of other stuff for other classes that our team members are working on and busy with, so besides that, there's not much to say. More detailed reflections will be in the next blog post, after the convention, in a sort of postmortem/retrospective format.